Rising 9th Grader Night at RHHS - Jan 28th

Dear “Rising” RHHS Student and Parent,


We are excited to present our annual “Rising” 9th Grader Night Monday, January 28, 2019, at Richmond Hill High School.  This night is designed to help students prepare to register for courses for their first year of high school.  Teachers will have displays and information for the students about the various courses available for 9th grade students during the 2019-20 school year. In the coming weeks, RHMS will combine efforts with RHHS to provide activities which will prepare students for registration.  We have included some key dates below.


Monday, January 28th, 2019  


In order to more easily serve our large crowds, we have created two sessions for Rising 9th Grader Night at RHHS, both with identical information.  This is meant to be both a preview of what to expect at RHHS and to provide information concerning course options for your child’s high school experience.  We hope that we will be able to provide you the needed support and attention to detail that you have come to expect of Bryan County Schools. Please enter through our East Campus entrance as academic presentations and information on clubs and sports will be available for your viewing starting at 5:00 pm. The building will not be open prior to 5:00 pm.  


The sessions below will start promptly in the East Cafeteria.

  • Session 1: 5:15pm-6:00pm – Rising 9th Grade Night at Richmond Hill High School

  • Session 2: 6:15pm-7:00pm –-Rising 9th Grade Night at Richmond Hill High School


Tuesday, January 29th, 2019


7:45AM – RHMS Parent Breakfast (RHHS Link –West Campus) – Richmond Hill High School administrators Mr. Kornegay and Mr. Lea will be available at this time to answer any questions pertaining to registration. Please RSVP by using the link provided on the RHMS and RHHS websites labeled – “Registration Breakfast.” This will be an opportunity for parents of “Rising” 9th graders to ask questions in an open-floor discussion format.


Thursday, January 31st, 2019


Registration forms will be distributed to RHMS and RHHS students.


Monday, February 4th, 2019


\tRHHS will host an “Academic Night” for students to explore all of the academics that RHHS has to offer.


Tuesday, February 5th, 2019


\tRichmond Hill Middle School will host a parent night to provide any additional information to students and  Parents and to assist with the registration process.


Thursday, February 7th, 2019


Registration forms are due. Registration forms must be signed by parents, students, and homeroom teacher. All Advanced Placement contracts and course override forms must also be signed prior to February 5th, and attached to the registration form.  Students will not be registered without the appropriate paperwork.  


Please make it a priority to attend our 9th Grade Parent Night to ensure accurate registration for your child.




Jason Kornegay
Jonathan Lea
RHHS Assistant Principals

