Parent Involvement Night

RHMS would like to thank Dr. Nelson Elam and Southcoast Pediatrics for partnering with us to present "Tackling Technology with your Teen".   About 50 parents came out Thursday night to get tips on monitoring cellphone and WiFi time.   WTOC was on site to interview Media Specialist Maria Knight, along with some of our community members, about technology use among adolescents.   Check out the news report HERE.


RHMS has partnered with Southcoast Pediatrics to present topics of interest to our parents and community.  Dr. Elam's presentation was the second presentation in the series of Parent Involvement Nights.  The third presentation will be at 6:30 on April 18th. Dr. Sybert from Southcoast Pediatrics will deliver a presentation on "Anxiety and Depression."  


We would like to thank Dr. Elam, Dr. Sybert, and all of Southcoast Pediatrics for these valuable presentations!   #WeAreRHMS
