The Bryan County Health Department will be at RHMS on Wednesday, October 17th to administer Flu Shots to students who turned in their consent forms prior to the deadline.
Bryan County Schools will be open tomorrow - Friday, October 12th. We look forward to seeing our students and staff for another great day!
We are having a Candy Drive for Halloween on the Hill. Bring bags of candy to homeroom. Candy will be weighed by the ounce, and the homeroom with the most candy will earn a pizza party!
Please complete the form below to sign up as a participant in our Trunk-or-Treat at Halloween on the Hill.
Picture Retakes are October 16th. Retakes are available ONLY for students who were absent on the first picture day, or for those who ordered a picture package but prefer a retake. (Those students must bring back the ordered package on retake day.)
Congratulations to our RHMS Volleyball Team and Coaches for winning their 4th straight Region Championship!!!! #WEAreRHMS
The latest time to sign out a student from the front office is 2:30 in the afternoon. This eliminates problems with the car line and end of day dismissal. Also, if your student is riding a bus in the afternoon for the first time or riding home with a friend on the bus, they will need a bus pass. The front office will need a written and signed note from the parent with the following information: Student’s name; Student’s homeroom teacher; Bus number; Name of student you are riding home with; Address of student you are riding home with; Parent’s phone number
Please have the student bring the note to the front office in the morning. Thank you!
RHMS Volleyball will host the REGION CHAMPIONSHIP on Thursday at 4:30 p.m. at RHMS. We would love to pack the gym with Wildcat fans! Students get in FREE and should wear Wildcat/RHMS gear!
Come Thursday to support your Wildcats!
7th Grade STEM students have been working on the Pollinator Garden, as well as a temporary home for our RHMS hens. Good job Students! #WeAreRHMS
RHMS Stop, Drop, and Read was last Friday, September 29th. Students and Staff started the day with a good book. Check out these pics!
RHMS teachers shaved their heads to raise money for Childhood Cancer.
The safety of our students and staff continues to be our highest priority as we make decisions regarding the weather. We will continue monitoring the storm through the weekend and notify all parties on Sunday if there is a need to modify the school day on Monday, Sept 17th.
District officials are working w/ Bryan County Emergency Services in closely monitoring Hurricane Florence’s trajectory. The safety of the families we serve is our highest priority as we make decisions regarding the weather. Please check back for updates.
Danielle Ennis is RHMS 2018 Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Ennis is the ELA department head, 8th grade data team lead, track coach and tennis coach. Congratulations Mrs. Ennis!
Bring your BEST SMILE! Picture Day is Wednesday, August 29th. For Pre-Orders, students should have the order form with them when they take the picture. If you do not want to Pre-Order, you will have the option to order packages from the company after the picture proofs are delivered.
Students in Ms. Lewis's 8th grade classes participated in an Escape Room activity. Groups had to work through four stations that dealt with conflict, plot, figurative language, and literary terms. Using their knowledge, a decoder, and critical thinking skills, students worked together to escape. #WeAreRHMS
Mr. Melcher's classes are enjoying their chickens and their new rooster, Willy. Click on the article heading to see pictures associated with the LIVE FEED articles.
RHMS will have a 6th Grade Social this Friday, August 24th, from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. The cost is $5.00 in advance through My Payments Plus, or $6.00 at the door. Concessions will be sold. Please have a ride home by 5:00. #WeAreRHMS
RHMS would like to thank Mr. Nick Westbrook, owner and operator of Chic-Fil-A of Hinesville, for donating breakfast for our staff followed by a motivational speech. #WeAreRHMS
RHMS would like to thank the Gibson/Lovell HVAC family for the donation of a full breakfast bar for the RHMS staff! #WeAreRHMS