All Butter Braid orders are due tomorrow, Friday 12/1/17!
RHMS is collecting donations for the Ronald McDonald House in Savannah. Each grade level will be responsible for Specific Wish List items and the entire school can bring in Holiday Items and Pop Tops. The Drive ends on December 13th. Thank you for your support in this worthy cause! #WeAreRHMS
Congratulations to 7th grader, Amy Li, for winning the school-wide Spelling Bee! Amy will represent Richmond Hill Middle School in the county spelling bee which will be held Monday, January 29 at the board office. Congratulations also to our alternate, 6th grader Isaiah Taylor.
RHMS Teachers are attending training with Ms. Ogden and Ms. Croy to explore the newest digital content available on Discovery Education, GPB and PBS. #WeAreRHMS
Camp Invention is coming to RHMS again this summer. See flyer for details. #WeAreRHMS
RHMS will host our first basketball game of the season today at 4:30. Come cheer on our Wildcats. #WeAreRHMS
RHMS Staff and students want to give a shout out to our cafeteria workers for THE BEST Thanksgiving lunch this week. We appreciate you today and everyday! Have a wonderful holiday. #WeAreRHMS
Thanksgiving Break is the week of 11/20/17. We hope you have a fun and safe holiday with your family. We will see you Monday, 11/27/17.
Tomorrow is the last day to turn in gifts or cash donations for the children at Memorial Hospital. No amount is too small. Receipts can be given for tax purposes and checks should be made out to RHMS. Thank you for generous spirit this holiday season.
PTSO is sponsoring a Butter Braids fundraiser. All orders are due 12/1/17, and will be delivered on 12/14/17. Students have order forms.
Mrs. Rushing's STEM students met with City Manager Chris Lovell and Atlantic Waste's Ben Wall to discuss recycling. #WeAreRHMS
Mrs. Henry's 8th grade classes are researching Theatre History. Students are using the "Make-A-Movie" app on My Brainpop to create a movie on their topic. Mrs. Henry recently attended Mrs. Croy's technology professional development on Brainpop, and is excited to use what she learned! Way to go Mrs. Henry and students! #WeAreRHMS #Brainpop
Congratulations to Dr. Elizabeth Bennett, GASSP Middle School Assistant Principal of the Year! #WeAreRHMS
Congratulations to the RHMS Academic Team for the second place finish at the St. James Academic Team competition!! #WeAreRHMS
The mission of the United Way of the Coastal Empire is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities. RHMS is a supporter of the United Way, and on Friday November 10th, you may wear your pajamas to school for $1.00. United Way donations will be accepted until November 14th. Join our fight to improve the lives of every person in our community. Links:
Join us for the STEMTASTIC Inflatable Crawl on 11/17/17. See flyer for details. #WeAreRHMS
RHMS 8th grade students in Mr. Amason’s homeroom have been collecting coats for Family Promise for the past month. The outpouring of community support has been overwhelming and the students have collected well over 200 coats! The goal of this drive is to make sure that everyone who needs a coat in our community has one for the winter. Family Promise is a safe shelter where families can stay together and receive assistance to help them get back on their feet. This coat drive will continue through November 10th so please continue to send in your gently used coats and jackets for this worthy cause. Thank you!
Picture retakes are 11/8/17. Bring in the original packet to get a retake picture if you were absent or unhappy with your picture.
Congratulations to Sandy Denius for receiving the Worthy Wildcat Award this month. The Worthy Wildcat Award is given to a support staff member that goes above and beyond. Thank you, Sandy, for all you do!
Parents, please complete the Georgia DOE Parent Survey as part of our School Climate Star Rating. Survey responses are anonymous and will be submitted directly to the GADOE for analysis. We appreciate your input! Take the survey at this link: